Take action against big oil and gas companies

People and communities all over the world are challenging Big Oil and Gas. Many organizations and campaigns are confronting the companies assessed in Big Oil and Reality Check. These movements have secured a number of big wins – from successful courts cases to massive public protests.  Your voice can help. Here are ways you can get involved, from signing a petition or open letter to maybe even joining a group near you.

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Urge the British Museum to ditch BP!

2023 was the hottest year on record – but the British Museum has agreed a new 10-year sponsorship deal with BP. Will you join the call for the British Museum to reverse this indefensible decision?

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Urge President Biden to pardon lawyer Steven Donziger!

In 2011, people in Ecuador won a historic USD 9.5 billion judgment against Chevron for having deliberately discharged billions of gallons of cancer-causing toxic waste into their environment. Yet Chevron has yet to pay a penny of this judgment, instead fighting it and the lawyer who represented the Ecuadorian communities, Steven Donziger. The lawyer was convicted of contempt of court without a jury trial for refusing to breach attorney-client confidentiality, confined to house arrest for close to three years, and without a pardon still faces risk of arrest. Can you help stand up to Chevron?

Take Action

Support the campaign to stop Eni and its partners in Mozambique!

The Say No to Gas! in Mozambique campaign aims to bring an end to the gas industry in Mozambique, focusing on the region of Cabo Delgado in northern Mozambique. Can you support their call?

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Take action against Equinor!

Around the world, people are standing up against Equinor and demanding that Norway take responsibility for its contribution to the climate crisis. Join them in putting pressure on Equinor and the Norwegian Government to get Equinor out of oil and gas!

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Urge the Norwegian government to #StopRosebank!

Oil giant Equinor, which is majority-owned by the Norwegian government, wants to open up the biggest undeveloped oil field in the UK – Rosebank. Sign to add your voice to the call on Norwegian Government and Equinor to #StopRosebank and all new oil and gas now!

Take Action

Support the campaign to stop ExxonMobil and its partners in Mozambique!

The Say No to Gas! in Mozambique campaign aims to bring an end to the gas industry in Mozambique, focusing on the region of Cabo Delgado in northern Mozambique. Can you support their call?

Take Action

Stand up to Shell’s lawsuit against Greenpeace!

Shell has sued Greenpeace UK after a peaceful protest against the company. In response, people are writing to Shell’s CEO, Wael Sawan. Will you join them?

Take Action

Support legal action against TotalEnergies!

French and African allies are taking TotalEnergies to court under the French corporate duty of vigilance law, in relation to the company’s new oil project in Uganda and Tanzania. Will you sign on to support this case?

Take Action