Press Release

Oil Change International response to FERC approval of Jordan Cove LNG

The Jordan Cove LNG project would be a climate disaster, responsible for at least 36 million tons of greenhouse gas emissions – more emissions than any other source in the state of Oregon if it were to be built. For over fifteen years, this project has been delayed, denied, and protested at every step of the way. Three key state permits have already been denied, rendering FERC’s approval likely impotent, and highlighting the fact that FERC acts as an industry rubber stamp, ignoring local opposition and state permitting decisions.


March 19, 2020

Lorne Stockman, lorne [at] priceofoil [dot] org
David Turnbull, david [at] priceofoil [dot] org

FERC approves Jordan Cove LNG: Oil Change International Response
Today, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) announced it has approved the Jordan Cove LNG project. However, the project has yet to obtain the required state permits required from the state of Oregon. In response to the FERC decision, Lorne Stockman, Senior Research Analyst with Oil Change International, released the following statement:

“The Jordan Cove LNG project would be a climate disaster, responsible for at least 36 million tons of greenhouse gas emissions — more emissions than any other source in the state of Oregon if it were to be built. For over fifteen years, this project has been delayed, denied, and protested at every step of the way. Three key state permits have already been denied, rendering FERC’s approval likely impotent, and highlighting the fact that FERC acts as an industry rubber stamp, ignoring local opposition and state permitting decisions.

“Governor Brown should do whatever she can to block this inappropriate action by the federal government and keep this project from ever being built. In recent weeks, Governor Brown has taken important executive action in the face of intransigence of climate-denying lawmakers. This is yet another moment that Governor Brown should stand up to inappropriate actions by those beholden to the fossil fuel industry. It is now up to Governor Brown to stand up to Trump, stand with Oregonians and state agencies, and say no to Jordan Cove.”

Notes for editors:

Oil Change International found that the Jordan Cove LNG terminal and Pacific Connector Pipeline would be responsible for between 36.8 and 52 million metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions annually. See the full analysis here:
The Jordan Cove LNG project has yet to receive any of the state-level permits required from the state of Oregon. For full details see:
