Oil Change International responds to Paris climate agreement
Paris showcased a strong and still growing civil society including clear demands to Stop Funding Fossils and Keep Fossil Fuels in the Ground. Soon, the fossil fuel industry will have less to celebrate.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 12, 2015 Contact: |
Oil Change International responds to Paris climate agreement |
In response to the expected outcome of the COP21 United Nations climate negotiations in Paris, Oil Change International released the following statements: But the fossil fuel industry has less and less to celebrate. Paris showcased a strong and growing civil society, including clear demands to Stop Funding Fossils and Keep Fossil Fuels in the Ground. The clear hypocrisy of funding the industry that is destroying the climate cannot withstand scrutiny for much longer. Bit by bit, there are indications that the era of fossil fuels is coming to an end: the heroic work of the countries of the Climate Vulnerable Forum brought the discussion of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees C to Paris. But rich countries continue to leave the poor behind. There is much work left to do.” -Stephen Kretzmann, Executive Director, Oil Change International — The world is moving on from fossil fuels. The Paris Agreement reminds us that there are leaders and laggards no matter where you go, but the laggards are fighting a losing battle.” -Hannah McKinnon, Senior Campaigner, Oil Change International — Next year, G20 leaders will need to agree to phase out the fossil fuel subsidies driving the climate crisis by 2020, since leaders didn’t have the backbone to do it in Paris.” -Alex Doukas, Senior Campaigner, Oil Change International — This year, with wins over the Keystone XL pipeline and Arctic drilling, the climate movement has begun to show its true strength. It is by continuing these fights day in and day out, year in and year out, through the voice of a growing global movement that cannot and will not be silenced, that change will happen.” -David Turnbull, Campaigns Director, Oil Change International |
Oil Change International is a research, communication, and advocacy organization focused on exposing the true costs of fossil fuels and facilitating the coming transition towards clean energy. The production and consumption of oil, gas, and coal are major sources of global warming, human rights abuses, war, national security concerns, corporate globalization, and increased inequality. For more information on Oil Change International, see www.priceofoil.org. |