OCI Response to Presidential Veto of Keystone XL Bill
Fossil fuel funded politicians in Congress should take note – when the President of the United States says he is going to do something, he follows through.
Stephen Kretzmann, steve [at] priceofoil [dot] org
Oil Change International Response to Presidential Veto of Keystone XL Bill
In response to President Obama’s veto of legislation that would have forced approval of the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline, Stephen Kretzmann, Executive Director of Oil Change International released the following statement:
“The President’s veto of the KXL tar sands pipeline bill was fully expected but is very much appreciated. Fossil fuel funded politicians in Congress should take note – when the President of the United States says he is going to do something, he follows through. Because the President has also been clear that if the pipeline caused a significant increase in carbon emissions, it would not be found in the national interest, we look forward to his final rejection of this dirty and dangerous pipeline.”